Working in a sports organization, I wore dry-fit t-shirts and sneakers on a daily basis. As I was preparing for a corporate job interview, I realized how lacking my wardrobe was! In the past, I would have bought some clothes online or spent hours at a department store. Not only was it both daunting and tiring, but I was also always disappointed with 'the wrong buy.' Having spent money, time, and effort, it was exasperating to end up with clothing that just didn't make the cut.
That's when I decided to engage in Style Forth's Personal Shopping Session. Gwen chose a location containing major boutiques so we didn't have to travel to and fro places. Based on my body shape, she picked outfits that suited the occasion and my liking. Gwen was sensitive and made sure I was never pushed past what I didn't fancy. At the same time, she made me comfortable exploring new styles that I didn't dare to try on.
With the new pieces purchased, I no longer looked like a teenager going to a Physical Education class. I looked mature, respectable, and all ready to take on the corporate world. The confidence that I gained from my outlook translated to the job interview, and as a bonus, I got the job!